Typography is an art form that uses type to convey a message through the style, font, size, spacing, and color. After watching the video series on Typography, I learned that the font of a word can effect the five senses. In one of the videos there was a TED speaker who was talking about the effects of typography. One of the effects the speaker talked about was, she had ran a small experiment. In the experiment the people involved were given a jellybean to eat and were told to look at the word "eat" in a more smooth and simple font. She then had the group eat another jellybean but the font they had to look at still said "eat". However, the font of the word this time had very sharp corners and very aggressive like. The people said that the first jellybean tasted sweeter and the second jellybean had tasted more sour. The videos also taught me the importance of hierarchy. When using hierarchy in a design there is always primary and secondary type. The primary type is the boldest or the most eye catching, this is what you what your audience to see first. The primary type can be a name of a company, what you are selling, or an important word. The secondary type is normally a simpler font. Secondary type is always smaller than the primary type.There are many types of type thiknesses inside a font families. I learned that type can be "a mater of life or death," this is like type on road signs and warning signs. Type is all over the place in posters, trafic signs, logos, names, and many other places.
What was the biggest take away from the videos for you personally
I personally will use the rules of hierarchy in future projects. I will also try to start practicing how to convey different messages, through different fonts, spacing, and weight, when doing any type of branding or title pages in any future projects.
Summarized what you learned from the article
After reading the article, the 10 Golden Rules You should live by when combining fonts, I learned ten very impotent typography rules: choose complementary fonts, establish a visual hierarchy, consider context, mix serifs and sans serifs, create contrast, steer clear of conflict, avoid pairing fonts that are too similar, use fonts from the same family, limit your number of fonts, and practice. I learned that different fonts have different moods and personalities like elegant, fun, playful, sad, or serious. I also learned that it is good to mix a word or phrase that has a large,creative, and wavy font, with a word or phrase with a more San-serif font, this creates great balance within the graphic. I learned that primary and secondary font plays a role in astablish a visual hierarchy. Another thing I learned from the artical was that you should think about the mood and voice of the text you want to relay to people.
San Serif
Serif :
Discuss three key points you learned and why they are important in typography
One of the key points of typography I learned, was how to establish visual hierarchy when using typography on things like newspapers, bottles, or magazines. According to the 10 Golden Rules You should live by when combining fonts, when establishing a visual hierarchy adding or subtracting "weight" from letters/words to allow the eye to navigate the design smoothly. Another key point is choosing complementary fonts. Choosing complmary fonts is important in typography because it helps give different moods or personalities to fonts in a graphic to deliver the right massage you want. Createing contrast is also a very big key point in typography. To create contrast is important in typography to distinguish what is needed to be seen first or second and how the diffrence between the fonts size is on the graphic.
What was you favorite thing you read and why will it be valuable in the future
My favorite thing to read about typography was the rule on how to limit your number of fonts. This will be helpful for me to remember in future projects to make them look more organized and easy to read. This will be valuable for me in the future when I have to design any posters for any future projects. The rule of limiting fonts will also help me think more critically when I am designing a graphic that includes type.
General thoughts and conclusions
I cannot wait to apply what I learned, from the videos and the article, to future projects. The information about what hierarchy is, has helped me a lot to clear up what it was and I will definitely apply it to my future projects.