Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Sq3: Ice cream Animation



What did I learn about textures and bump maps?

I learned how to add  a cloud bump maps to the scoops of ice cream by first creating a Lambert. Then I learned how to add either pink, brown, white, or green for the color. I also learned how to add a gravel texture  for the cone texture. I then made the depth and visibility changes in the bump map edit section. The color is tan. 

What did I learn about setting keyframes on the timeline?

I learned how to edit the timeline by using the time slider. In the time slider I changed the playback start to end, to 1 to 120. I also changed the animation start to end, to 1 to 120. Next I pressed enter, then I selected frame one on the time line. Then I pressed "s" to set a key frame. I clicked in frame 120 in the time slider as well and pressed "s".  I went into the channel box and changed the rotate Y to -359 degrees. I pressed enter to set the y rotation in place. I right clicked on the y rotate text and set key selected tool. Finally to make the lazy Susan to spin linear, I right clicked the first key frame and selected Tangents>Linear. I then did the same on the 120 key frame.  

Thursday, February 1, 2018

SQ3:Red Pen


The pen model was modeled off of one of my red pens I selected from my pencil pouch. 

How it was made

I started with a poly cylinder and duplicated it. I then shank and lengthened the duplicated cylinder. Then using Boolions- differences, this made the original cylinder. I added a phong E to the cylinder. I made the color gray and turned up the transparency. I duplicated that cylinder and made it smaller and lengthened it. That cylinder was put in side of the first cylinder. I added a phong E to the cylinder and like the first cylinder, I turned up the transparency a little but for the color I used a more white color. I used rotating on the rubber part of the pen( were you hold the pen). Once I lofted the shape I added a binn and a bump texture. The bump texture is a grid texture, with no horizontal lines. I made the color red as you can see in the photos. The tip of the pen is just a cylinder with one division and the vertices's on the end scaled in and moved up to form a point. The clip on the pen was made from Nurb curves then making the curve a polygon. Once the curve was extruded I added a phong with the color red. From that polygon it is extruded up. The part of the pen that you push down was made from a stretched and manipulated sphere. I added a phong to the sphere and made the color red. The end of the pen was made by lofting. The final part was to add ink, I made a long cylinder and added a bin to  it with the color set to black. For some texture I added mountain rock texture to give it a grandee look. That cylinder is hard to see but is in the middle of the pen. Finally I added 3 spotlights to light up the model.