Saturday, May 20, 2017

E9 4th Quarter Final Group Project Blog Post

My commercial 

About The Project

Our company name is BACA.
 BACA stands for:
 Our product is called the "Micro- Fridge." It is called the"Micro- Fridge," because our product is a mini fridge with a mini microwave on top. The "Micro- Fridge" was created to conveniently fit inside of a locker. It is also portable. This product is perfect for high school to collage students. Our slogan is "Small But Powerfull." (See the graphic below to see how the slogan was used in the web banner.)

What was your process in creating?

Graphic design:

I made to web banner and the product logo. Before I had even got on to the computer to start making the graphics, I first drafted out my ideas on a piece of paper. Once I found the one I liked the best and the group okay-ed it I then went to the computer to make the graphic. 


I made the 2D animation. Like the graphic designs I made, I first drafted my idea out onto paper. I labeled which colors I wanted in each circle. Then I got into Photoshop and created the animation.


First we filmed all of the shots we wanted. Then I put the clips into Adobe Primer and put them all together. Next I added music and adjusted the audio volumes. I added all of the animations and voice overs.


I followed along with the videos that Mr. Olson made. I made a home page, a more about the product page, company info and locations page, coupons page, and an ad page. Then I added the graphics to the right pages. I also added in all the information that was needed.        

What did I learn along the way?

I learned that some times people in your group can be hard to work with and other times they can be great to work with. Teamwork and communication was very important to make this project a success. I learned that both time management and project management are both very important. I learned how to add music to the commercial in Adobe Primer. I also learned how to add in animations into Adobe Primer.     

 What would you do different? why?

I would have liked the work on the website divided up more equally because I designed the whole web site along with edit all of the warning and product info animation and the 2d and 3d animations into the video. However, Amber did help me with the product descriptions and edit the sound in the video. She also made the 3d animation.

What would you do the same?Why?

I would keep how we divided up the work in Mrs. Smith's class. We divided the work up very well in her class and we got it all done very efficiently.

Explain the group presentation process? Was it a success in your eyes? Why or why not? What would you do differently?

The group presentation was pretty good considering we were missing a group member. However, I still think we could have practiced more so that we were more prepared. I do believe it was a success in getting the information across. The parts I would change would be the preparation leading up to the presentation and getting rid of the long pauses.    

General thoughts and conclusions.

I believe if we had more time to practice our presentation, it would have gone smoother. We needed to divide the work lode more equally and everyone should have been working on at least something.

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